What's Next?
STEP ONE – Let’s Chat
First off we have a chat to get to know one another. I’ll have a few questions for you about your Museum, Gallery or business so that I can get a feel for who you are and what you are about. I want to know what really matters to you and your audience, what you do differently from others and define the problems that need solving.
We can do this over the phone, zoom or meet in person if that is suitable.
STEP TWO – Getting ideas together
After finding out how many pages you want and what you want the website to achieve I start to build the bones of the site. These are the structural pieces of the site that makes sure it’s easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for and the flow makes sense. This step will include where images and headings are placed as well as navigation links. There will be three or four options for you to choose from.
While I’m doing this I will be tasking you with gathering together the images and text you want on the site.
STEP THREE – Fleshing out the Design
Using your images and text you’ve supplied I flesh out the design you’ve chosen from the previous step. This includes incorporating any branding and colours you already have. If you don’t currently have a logo you are happy with I can help with that step as well. This is also the stage where the interactive elements are decided and placed. Small animations, known as micro-interactions help guide the visitor in their journey to find what they’re looking for.
Once you are happy with how this looks we move onto the next step.
This is where I turn your chosen design into an actual website. Using the WordPress platform, I can make everything work as it is supposed to and have the confidence in a robust proven system. This is where the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is baked in along with a backup facility.
STEP FIVE – Testing
A thorough testing is in order now. Checking that the site looks just as good on a mobile phone as it does on the laptop or desktop. Does everything work as planned? Do all the links go where they are supposed to? These and many other areas are paid particular attention to ensure you will receive a website that works straight out of the box.
I also train you in how to use the site and how to add extra material when you need to . This is done via video training, in-person, zoom or phone.